So the night started off leaving directly from work and heading to Mandalay Bay where the House of Blues is located. All and all, a ten minute drive only because of rush hour. One of the things Las Vegas has managed to ruin about good rock shows is starting the show really early. Luckily I get there and no bands have come on. First band, Tickle me Pink. Never heard of them. Decent band over all. Kind of a sad story, the bass player passed away earlier this year so it was a type of tribute show.
Second band goes by the name of Foxy Shazam. On stage, a legitimate band of crazy people. I take it most people have seen One Flew Over the Coo Coo’s Nest. Imagine that movie that with no giant Indian and as a musical. I had to stop looking at the piano player because he was making me uncomfortable. The bass player at one point jumped into the crowd holding his guitar letting the crowd play. The lead singer ran around the stage like a gorilla and at one point ate a burning cigarette. When everything was said and done it was good times.
Finch was Finch, a good show, a lot of energy and no girl pants worn by the lead singer. A plus in my book. Got some decent pictures with my tiny phone and enjoyed the night. Best part was Finch singing a Nine Inch Nails cover song. Don’t recall the title but it was amazing.
Round Two is tonight. Same place, new bands. Less Than Jake, Goldfinger. Probably one of the best two bands you can toss together in a show.
"What are you doin' here? You oughta be out in a convertible bird-doggin' chicks and bangin' beaver."
no girl pants.... haha a-mazing!!!
Best part = "some standing, sweating and suppressing my urge to punch high school kids in the face."
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