This show ranks in my top five concerts that I’ve been to. It was a good old fashion ska show with a bunch of silly dancing and singing. The band in the picture is Suburban Legend. They were the opening band and were loads of fun. There was plenty of disco-ska as they put it. It really set the stage for the next few bands.
Second on the list was a band called Big D at the kids table. A ska band but one I’m not to familiar with. It was good times but nothing compared to Goldfinger. Goldfinger came out with a ton of enthusiasm and started yelling at us right from the get go. The guys are getting kinda old but they still put on an amazing show. Claim to fame for that band, when the lead singer jumped into the crowd, it was none other than my head that caught the first and second kicks from his vans. Oh yeah, and the drummer lit his cymbals on fire. Awesome!
So on comes Less Than Jake. Probably my favorite band depending on the mood I’m in. I’ve seen them before and it’s not the last time I’ll see them. Lots of energy and lots of swearing. The show is always fun and at one point they tried getting security to jump on stage and dance. I don’t have to many pictures because it was a mad house. Mitchi and I were up front with Jasmine and Selene. I did spend time being an enforcer. I had to strike down with the Thomas Hammer that I call my right arm to try and keep the girls from harm.
I’m so out of shape. I sweat more that night than I have in a long time. All-in-all I left with a shoe print on my head, a few bruises and a bloody finger. Not to bad.